Forth Valley Vets's home page
  • Call our surgery01786 430387


Information and services for farm owners

  • Health planning
  • Disease investigation
  • Data analysis
  • Fertility
  • Male breeding soundness
  • Emergency service
  • Genomic testing
  • Veterinary medicine supply

Health planning

It’s our opinion that a farm health plan should be far more than a document that appears once a year to satisfy an inspector. We write bespoke health plans which satisfy the requirements of all major farm assurance schemes and are usable for a farmer on a day to day basis. 

Our vets pride themselves on offering advice and expertise to help plan for all aspects of farm health. We build close relationships with our clients in order to make health planning an ongoing process as we monitor performance and adapt to the changes happening on farm, not just a once a year meeting!

Disease investigation

Although we firmly believe that prevention is better than cure we have the expertise to investigate disease problems when they do occur in a flock or herd. We work closely with top class laboratories and vet schools where necessary to resolve these issues. We take a systematic approach to disease investigation and always monitor the outcome of any changes.

Data analysis

We utilise the latest in dairy performance software to access milk recording data and analyse herd performance. This allows us to monitor and improve udder health, production, fertility, youngstock, lameness and nutrition far more accurately and benchmark against national averages.

Our flock health checker and access of SRUC’s animal health planning system (SAHPS) allows us to input flock performance data and benchmark against national and local targets, while VetImpress allows us to access BCMS data alongside farm records to review performance in the beef herd.

Thanks to our cloud-based software we can even access the information remotely while out on farm.



Our dairy clients benefit from routine fertility visits where we work alongside the staff on farm to manage and improve fertility and ultimately farm profitability. We use the latest in ultrasound scanners and up to date knowledge of synchronisation and treatment protocols. Discount packages are available for routine services.


Being able to diagnose pregnancy as early as one month allows us to better manage fertility in the beef herd and identify non-productive cows more quickly. We offer a range of synchronisation programmes suitable for artificial insemination and tightening calving periods with natural service.

Pelvic scoring and reproductive tract scoring allow us to make better informed choices when selecting replacement heifers.

We work alongside various advanced breeding companies to facilitate their embryo transfer and IVF work.


More lambs means more profit! We work with you to help and advise on sheep fertility management, be it production of teaser tups, oestrus synchronisation or nutritional advice. We also work alongside several advanced breeding companies to facilitate embryo flushing and artificial insemination.

Male breeding soundness

We make use of the latest in semen testing equipment to carry out breeding soundness exams on bulls and tups. This is a cheap and easy way to reduce the risk of an infertile animal being responsible for a poor calving or lambing.

In bulls we would advise a full breeding soundness exam including semen testing for any animal prior to sale for breeding as well as all stock bulls before they’re turned out with cows, even those who have worked previously.

A physical examination is generally sufficient for tups but in doubtful cases a semen test is invaluable.

Emergency service

We have a dedicated farm animal vet on call 24 hours a day, simply call the usual number any time of day or night and your emergency will be attended to by a vet who is experienced in dealing with farm animals. Our on call is split geographically with vets covering our three main bases of Stirling, Perth and Alexandria so you’ll be catered to by a vet local to you.

Genomic testing

It is our belief that genomics are the future for genetic improvement in the dairy herd. For this reason we have opted to work alongside Zoetis to offer the Clarifide service. We offer genomic testing and advice to allow herds to make the most informed choice when breeding for health and productivity.

Find out more by visiting the Clarifide UK website or give us a call to discuss the service.

Veterinary medicine supply

We pride ourselves on offering affordable veterinary medicines to you, locally. We aim to compete with online prices and can supply medicines from bases in Stirling, Perth, Falkirk, Chryston, Bishopbriggs and Alexandria. Please note that although we have fully stocked pharmacies in Stirling and Perth, in order to deliver to our other bases orders must be placed by 6pm the night before.

Remember when buying medicines from us you get more than just the medicine, you also get our advice, and we will always aim to save you money by reducing your use of medicines. Our goal is always to prevent problems rather than treat them!




Meet the Team

Practice information

Forth Valley Veterinary Practice Stirling

  • Mon
    8:30am - 5:30pm
  • Tue
    8:30am - 5:30pm
  • Wed
    8:30am - 5:30pm
  • Thu
    8:30am - 5:30pm
  • Fri
    8:30am - 5:30pm
  • Sat
    8:30am - 12:30pm
  • Sun

Find us here:

Falleninch Farm Dumbarton Road Stirling FK8 3AB
get directions with Google Maps